Program Spotlight: Biomedical Engineering - Geneva College-bwin体育
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Program Spotlight: Biomedical Engineering

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Program Spotlight

Were you born with a fascination for scientific research coupled with natural technical aptitude? Do you intend to make a powerful difference in the lives of many people by using your God-given gifts to create groundbreaking and life-saving technologies? If you’re nodding your head an enthusiastic “Yes!” – biomedical engineering might be a perfect fit for you.

Aging baby boomers fueling the need

The researching and developing of solutions to biological and medical problems is an increasingly growing field that is expected to see even greater demand over coming decades. As Americans continue to live longer and more of our population reaches senior status, engineers who can analyze complex problems and find innovative answers are needed. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 5,100 biomedical engineering jobs will be created from 2014 to 2024 at a rate of 23 percent, which is much faster than the average growth rate.

CNNMoney and PayScale’s annual Best 100 Jobs in America survey ranked Biomedical Engineer at #37 for 2015. Careers are evaluated based on potential growth, great compensation and rewarding work. The quality of life ratings for Biomedical Engineers achieved solid A’s in personal satisfaction, benefit to society and low stress.

Science that matters: Where do biomedical engineers work?

Biomedical engineers, or BMEs, are found in a large variety of settings. Some are employed by universities where they oversee scientific research; others work for medical equipment and supplies manufacturers. Pharmaceutical companies, government regulatory agencies and medical device companies employ biomedical engineers, as do hospitals and other clinical health care facilities.

BMEs design and improve medical inventions such as prosthetics, artificial joints, pacemakers and micro-implants. They create and repair imaging equipment such as the MRI, EEG and CAT scan. Artificial organs, regenerative tissue growth, and bioengineered skin all fall under the BME umbrella, as does the development of the computer systems and software used in health care.

Where you utilize your biomedical engineering degree depends upon your specific area of interest and concentration:

  • Electrical engineering for signal processing and instrumentation
  • Computer engineering for control of systems
  • Mechanical for structural strength design
  • Chemical engineering for design of fluid flows and design of materials

Geneva's biomedical engineering program can be used to explore any of these areas. We’re very proud to report that for the fourth consecutive year, Geneva College’s engineering program was listed in the nation′s Top 100 Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs in 2016. These rankings by U.S. News & World Report are based on a peer assessment survey and require that the highest engineering degree offered by a school must be a bachelor's or master's degree. In addition, the program must be accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

Geneva’s proximity to the excellent medical services and high concentration of biomedical engineering activity in nearby Pittsburgh make us ideally suited to offer a biomedical engineering concentration. Our degree program delivers a broad base of fundamental engineering while also preparing students vocationally and spiritually through our core curriculum.

If you’d like to learn more about our Bachelor of Science in Engineering with a Biomedical Engineering concentration, we’d love to show you how Geneva College prepares graduates for faithful and fruitful service through developing a Christ-centered perspective on the sciences.



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Feb 16, 2016

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